MOH News

The Fifth Saudi Health Simulation Conference Will Start Next November 6, With Participation of More Than 50 Speakers and 15
12 October 2022

Under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Health, Mr. Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Galagel, the Fifth Saudi Health Simulation Conference is launched on the 6th of November 2022 corresponding to the twelfth of Rabi’ al-Thani 1444 H under the slogan (Simulation of healthcare to its fullest extent), in Riyadh, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in the Digital City, and it continues for five days.
During the conference, 15 dialogue sessions and 40 workshops will be held, with participation of more than 50 speakers from inside and outside the Kingdom, discussing latest practices and techniques in the field of healthcare simulation. The conference is accompanied by an exhibition in which relevant authorities from public and private sectors participate, in addition to providing a platform for signing memoranda of understanding and agreements between a number of government and private agencies from inside and outside the Kingdom.
The conference targets all health groups and includes educational content presented through accredited educational hours, as the conference program was completely designed and approved by many international academic stakeholders specialized in health simulation to meet the needs of a wide range of individuals, agencies and companies specialized in the field of rehabilitation and training of health personnel, benefiting from the current expansion in the field of healthcare industry, participation of key decision makers, government agencies and highly experienced investors from the Kingdom and abroad.
The conference organizing committee stated that topics that this year, the conference will discuss issues related to improving utilization of health care simulation in education, research and evaluation, and enhancing impact of health care simulation applications on health care quality and patient safety, in addition to recent trends in health care simulation management, in addition to the progress and innovation in the field of health care simulation, and expansion of the field of simulation in order to support health care.
The committee added that participation therein is open to healthcare leaders, healthcare quality and safety experts, healthcare professionals, healthcare researchers and trainers, simulation lab coordinators and technicians, programmers, technology developers, individual innovators, profit and non-profit organizations, and investors in the field Healthcare simulation, in addition to students in medicine and other health sciences.
This conference is considered one of the most important platforms specialized in enriching practices and applications of simulation in the healthcare distinguished at the region level.

Last Update : 12 October 2022 10:25 PM
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