MOH News

1600+ Surgeries Performed by Al-Jabr Eye and ENT Hospital- Al-Ahsa in 3 Months
08 June 2022

​​​According to Al-Ahsa Health Cluster (with a 100-bed capacity), over the first quarter of this year, Al-Jabr Eye and ENT Hospital- Al-Ahsa has performed over 1,600 surgeries, and served more than 25,000 outpatients.

By Allah’s Grace, the medical team of the hospital has successfully ended the suffering of a patient with recurrent acute rhinosinusitis​ (RARS) and frequent headaches.

“The results of clinical examinations and CT scan of the sinuses showed that there was a foreign body around the left eye area, which was a tooth implanted for the patient in the left upper jaw more than 5 years ago at a hospital outside the Kingdom,” stated the health cluster, highlighting that this tooth penetrated the jaw and moved into the paranasal sinuses to settle in the ethmoid sinus near the eye. The medical team has performed a successful surgery with endoscopy to remove that tooth from the sinuses, without affecting area around​ the eye. Then the patient has been discharged from the hospital after his condition improved and stabilized, all praise is due to Allah.

Last Update : 09 June 2022 06:02 PM
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