MOH News

MOH Merges Services of ‘Tetamman’ Clinics with PHCs
16 March 2022
​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced that its Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) are resuming providing their services. In addition, the services of ‘Tetamman’ clinics will be merged with the rest of PHCs’ services; due to COVID-19 cases decline, the increase in the number of vaccinated individuals, and the lifting of the precautionary measures. The extended work hours at a few PHCs that were previously announced are back to normal across the Kingdom, to meet the needs of all beneficiaries.  

MOH said that all PHCs continue to provide their services the same way they did during the pandemic, to maintain the achievements made over the past two years. Thanks to these efforts, the Kingdom was classified among the top countries to successfully combat the pandemic. 

Lifting the precautionary measures does not mean the end of adhering to the public health requirements, like using hand sanitizers, and wearing face masks indoors. MOH continues to assess the health situation, according to new local and international developments, and citizens can call the unified (937) line for consultations and inquiries.

Noteworthy, with the emergence of COVID-19, MOH dedicated ‘Tetamman’ clinics to serving people who have COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, shortness of breath, or coughing. The clinics offer their services to citizens and residents, without prescheduled appointments. The cumulative number of visits to ‘Tetamman’ clinics exceeded 5.5 million. The referral rate to hospitals was only 2%, while the number of swabs taken was estimated at 4.2 million. There are over 230 ‘Tetamman’ clinics in the Kingdom. 

Last Update : 17 March 2022 11:30 AM
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