MOH News

MOH Receives NORA Accreditation
03 February 2022

MOH has received the National Overall Reference Architecture (NORA) Accreditation Certificate from the Digital Government Authority (DGA). MOH was the first government agency in the health sector to get the certificate, on the sidelines of the ‘LEAP’ event.  

On behalf of the Minister of Health, Eng. Fahad bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel, the Deputy Minister for E-Health and Digital Transformation, Abdulaziz Hamad Al-Ramaih, received the certificate. This took place during a ceremony held by DGA on Wednesday, within the framework of the International Technology Conference, in the presence of Ahmed Al-Suwaiyan, the governor of DGA.

MOH received this certificate in recognition of its efforts to adopt the best local and global practices in terms of empowering digital transformation, and achieving its vision for health care and services provision, as well as improving the quality of these services. 

Noteworthy, enforcing the concept of a national institutional structure helps government agencies in KSA reach integration and create harmony between the business sector and information technology. It also provides accurate information and performance indicators that can help with decision-making. Additionally, it ensures optimal use of resources and governance of investment in the information technology field. Moreover, it improves the e-services provided by government agencies to all beneficiaries, and contributes to the effective implementation of the ‘digital government’ concept.

Last Update : 08 February 2022 05:55 AM
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