MOH News

Health Minister, Businessmen Discuss Initiatives to Develop Health Sector
20 January 2022

​His Excellency the Minister of Health, Fahad Al-Jalajel on Thursday met with business leaders and representatives of private hospitals in the Kingdom. He discussed with them the initiatives to develop the health sector and reviewed MOH’s efforts and plans to improve healthcare services and health facilities' performance levels. He applauded the unlimited support to the health sector rendered by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince - may Allah protect them.

It is noteworthy that the ministry has been working to increase investment in the sector through facilitating licensing procedures and requirements in accordance with the highest international quality standards. It has also established a business call center and worked to fully automating health licenses, as well as supporting small and medium enterprises, and realizing government electronic integration.

The involvement of the private health sector comes as one of the main objectives of the health transformation, which will be of great impact in developing the private and public health sectors. 
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the private sector has implemented a number of quality initiatives and supported government efforts to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. 

Last Update : 23 January 2022 10:15 PM
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