MOH News

Najran Health Affairs Launches KPI Program
23 September 2021

Najran Health Affairs General Directorate has recently launched the Performance Indicators Follow-up Program at the Health Command and Control Center (CCC). The program is one of MOH's national transformation initiatives to improve the quality of performance within health facilities. The program is also in line with the health and digital transformation in the Kingdom which aims to facilitate access to health services, enhance service quality, connect the regional CCC with the national CCC in MOH, and identify and address obstacles through development projects.

The indicators include monitoring patients’ entry and exit from the ER within a maximum of 4 hours, completing emergency procedures and ensuring emergency cases arrive at the receiving hospital within the region, handling cases within the specified time, and completing the arrival procedures of life-saving cases within the region from and to hospitals in no longer than 4 hours. 

Moreover, the indicators include follow-up of the availability and validity of medicines and pharmaceutical supplies in regions and hospitals and booking appointments in primary health care centers (PHCs) through ‘Mawid’ application. In addition, there is the telemedicine indicator and activating the service in the region, along with many other indicators that aim to raise the readiness of emergency departments in hospitals to receive cases, provide intensive care beds for newborns, reduce waiting time of operations performed on cold cases, and monitor the readiness of artificial respiratory devices and equipment in hospitals.

Noteworthy, last year, His Excellency the Emir of Najran Region, launched the first phase of the Performance Indicators Follow-up Office at Najran Health Affairs General Directorate. It aims to monitor and measure the performance of health departments and facilities in the region, oversee their services, and evaluate and improve their productivity.

Last Update : 28 September 2021 02:41 AM
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