MOH News

Al-Jawf PHCs Serve Over 600,000 Beneficiaries
17 February 2021

According to Al-Jouf Health Affairs, over the past year, the Primary Health Care Centers (PHCs) have served 647,763 patients. There are 41 PHCs in Al-Jawf, distributed into 4 sectors: Sakaka city, with 17 PHCs, and 351,937 outpatients; Dumat Al-Jandal, with 10 PHC, and 86,566 outpatients; Tabarjal, with 8 PHCs and 157,434 outpatients; and Suwayr, with 6 PHCs, and 51,826 outpatients. 

Noteworthy, these health centers are witnessing continuous development projects; as new departments were opened, and health education clinics were activated. Additionally, new services were added, such as:  extended hours centers, which receive patients after the centers’ official working hours. They serve 280,350 outpatients per week. Moreover, consultation services were provided by clinics in two of the region’s centers. Medical consultations were provided by doctors of various specialties. 

The average weekly number of beneficiaries of this service ranged between 200 and 400 outpatients. In addition, the health club was launched in Al-Qarah district. Furthermore, remote consultations took place through ‘Sehhaty’ application and the (937) center. Doctors receive calls on (937) 24/7, including public holidays. Moreover, medical consultations are also provided on ‘Sehhaty’ app, all days of the week, 16 hours a day, from 8 am to 12 am.

Noteworthy, within the framework of the efforts made to challenge COVID-19, 8 health centers, a few expanded examination centers, and a clinic at King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital were dedicated to taking samples of COVID-19, to serve citizens and residents in the area. Furthermore, ‘Ta’akad’ center was opened to take swab samples from vehicle drivers who do not have symptoms, or have mild symptoms, and have had recent contact with an infected person. Daily swab samples are taken once individuals book appointments through ‘Sehhaty’ application.

Last Update : 22 February 2021 06:10 AM
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