MOH News

MOH Launches Awareness Campaign on First Aid Kit
14 September 2020

​In conjunction with the World First Aid Day, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched a campaign with the hashtag #أغلى_شنطة (Most Precious Kit) with the aim of raising the awareness of all strata of society about the importance of the first aid kit, as well as the main health instructions on dealing with emergencies in order to reduce complications and save lives.​

 Also, the campaign aims to highlight the cases that require medical intervention at the emergency department, as well as the cases that can be handled with the first aid kit. MOH has published on its Twitter page a PDF file with the hashtag #أغلى_شنطة (Most Precious Kit), which includes instructions and awareness tips about the importance of the first aid kit, its contents, specifications and dealing with emergency cases such as: drowning, low blood sugar, fractures, epilepsy, suffocation, and others. The file also highlighted the common mistakes in providing first aid.


Last Update : 15 September 2020 11:56 AM
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