MOH News

Al-Jouf: 28 Violations Recorded against Medical Complexes and Pharmacies Last Year
03 January 2019

According to Al-Jouf Health Affairs, over the past year (2018), 28 violations were recorded against medical complexes and pharmacies, with 18 against medical complexes, 9 against pharmacies, in addition to a closure decision against a medical complex. These decisions have been issued against them for their non-compliance with regulations.

The Affairs stressed on the importance of compliance with the Private Health Institutions Law and Regulations. Through its inspection visits, accompanied by mutual parties involved in monitoring the private sector, the Affairs follows up such compliance process. 

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has recently launched the Private Health Institutions Law and Regulations Updating Project, which features requirements for technical supervisors, medical directors, and medical staff, working at private hospitals, polyclinics and medical complexes, in addition to setting requirements and penalties for violations, in case of practicing unauthorized activities​ within institutions.

Last Update : 03 January 2019 03:58 PM
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