MOH News

Madinah Cardiac Center: 1,425 Major Heart Surgeries and 139 Procedures
12 October 2017
According to recent statistical data disseminated by Madinah Health Affairs on the Cardiac Center since its inception in 1432H, 80,449 outpatients have been received by  consultation clinics, 23,607 procedures have been done by the cardiac cath, and 1,853 inpatients have been served. Also, the center did 1,425 major hear surgeries and 139 advanced procedures. In the same vein, during Hajj Season 1438H. more than 1,658 pilgrims and Umrah performers were served. As for  child cardiac services, the center performed over 495 open-heart surgeries and 529 cardiac caths.
The Madinah Cardiac Center has recently launched "Reach Out to Your Hearts" medical convoy to serve citizens, visitors and subject governorates. 1,550 outpatients have been checked so far. Also, the World Heart Day events attracted over 24 thousand participants, and 711 outpatients were served by specialist clinics, lab, mobile blood sampling units and ultrasound imaging.
It is noted that Madinah Cardiac Center has 100-bed capacity. It is one of the highly specialized centers worldwide, offering cutting-edge cardiac services including caths for adults and children, as well as open-heart surgeries. The Center also features a state-of-the-art cardiac ICU. It has highly qualified cardiac specialists.
Remarkably, MOH implements a Performance Program, which covers 70 main hospitals. The program features over 40 indicators to measure the performance of 7 key therapeutic aspects, including: (emergency, clinics, surgeries, hospitalization, ICU, radiology and labs.) The program also aims to the skills of health professional to use the indicators and to identify performance improvement potentials, in compliance with patient safety and quality standards.

Last Update : 15 October 2017 08:18 AM
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