MOH News

MOH Launches Awareness Campaign for Children Safety in Homes under the Theme "Keep an Eye on Them"
28 February 2017
The Ministry of health (MOH) has launched today, Tuesday, an awareness campaign about children safety in homes, under the theme "Keep an Eye on them".
The MOH said that the campaign will last for a week during which awareness videos, pictures and infographic will be distributed to urge parents to pay attention to children, care for them and watch them in homes, in order to maintain their safety and keep risks at bay. 
It indicated that the campaign will focus on a number of topics, such as: pools in homes and the threat to children, electric openings in walls and how to prevent children exposure to them, in addition to drugs, toxins and, pesticides, and the importance of protecting children from taking them.
The MOH confirmed that it will continue organizing health awareness campaigns on different topics, in an endeavor to raise the level of health awareness for all member of community, proceeding from its role of maintaining the health and safety of everyone.

Last Update : 14 March 2017 12:44 PM
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