MOH News

MOH to Participate in Medical Technology Forum in China
13 August 2015
The Ministry of Health (MOH), with its vast medical expertise in the field of dealing with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and chronic diseases, in addition to its accumulated experiences in health development and other fields in the Arab World, will participate in a forum to promote cooperation in the field medical technology and health development, projected to be held in the People's Republic of China during the period from September 10th-13th, 2015.
This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health for Hospitals Affairs, Dr. Nahar bin Muzki Al-Azmi, during his meeting at the MOH Headquarters today (Thursday) morning with the Deputy Chairman of Health and Family Planning Committee in Ningxia region of China, Yang Xu Lei, and her accompanying delegation. The two sides reviewed Saudi-Chinese cooperation in the health field and the issues related to the forum, as well as the Saudi expertise in the field of complementary and alternative Medicine which, was presented by the Executive Director of the National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Baddah.
On her part, the Deputy Chairman of Health and Family Planning Committee in Ningxia region in China, Yang Xu Lei, explained that the forum plays a major role in laying the foundation and creating opportunities and a platform to achieve the periodic Chinese-Arab meetings about health and bilateral interactions in terms of medical resources and exchange of general health information, as well as boosting the bilateral cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical industries.
In a press statement following the meeting, she said that the forum will be held under the theme: "Promotion of cooperation in the field of medical technology and promotion of health development", with the participation of 400 Chinese and foreign guests. It includes a symposium on health cooperation and major medical equipment in China and Arab states for the aim of establishing Sino-Arab alliance to develop medical and health cooperation. She added that the academic exchange meeting will organize the Chinese-Arab summit on prevention and control of the infectious diseases and international forum of Chinese and Arab traditional medicine and others, and the Chinese-Arab health industries will display medical equipment and medications in China and Arab states. That is to be added to bilateral exchange of medical products and involving in discussion in order to reach standards for certification of Chinese and Arab medications and others. 
She pointed out that the Chinese-Arab health cooperation forum will issue the Yinchuan Declaration, which will provide for creating a mechanism of regular exchange of Chinese, Arab, traditional and modern medical sciences on infectious and chronic diseases and others, building a new and open platform towards the west, implementing a strategy of developing the traditional Chinese medicine abroad and holding regular training courses in the field of Chinese and Arabic traditional medicine as well as organizing meetings of Chinese and Arab health officials.

Last Update : 16 August 2015 12:44 PM
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