MOH News

The Vice Minister of Health on an Inspection Tour of the Southern Regions’ Hospitals
29 July 2015
As part of the inspection tours carried out by the leaders of the Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Ministry’s facilities across the Kingdom’s regions and provinces, His Excellency the Vice Minister of Health for Health Affairs, Mr. Hamad bin Muhammad al-Duweila', has conducted an inspection tour of the Southern borders’ regions. Accompanied by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hafzi, the Director General of Assir Health Affairs, Mr. Al-Duweila’ started his inspection tour in Assir, where he has checked on the health services provided by a number of the region’s hospitals, including Sarat Obaidah Hospital and Dhahran al-Janob Hospital. 

After that, Mr. al-Duweila' and the accompanying delegation moved to Najran Region, where he has checked on the preparations and readiness of King Khalid Hospital and the new Najran General Hospital located at Al-Sharafa Neighborhood, east of Najran. Mr. al-Duweila' started his inspection tour there by visiting King Khalid Hospital, accompanied by the Director-General of MOH Emergency, and the head of Emergency and Field Medicine Committee, Dr. Tarek bin Salem Al-Arnos, the Advisor to the Minister and the MOH Spokesperson, Dr. Khaled bin Mohamed Marghalani, the Director General of the Health Affairs in the region, Ph. Salih bin Saad Al-Mounis. During the visit, the delegation checked on the 38-beds-capacity intensive care unit (ICU), deemed to be one of the state-of-the-art units in the health regions and provinces of the Kingdom. 

Mr. al-Duweila' concluded his tour by checking on health services provided in Jazan Region, where he visited King Fahad Hospital, accompanied by the Director General of the Health Affairs in Jazan Region, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sihli. The visit included the in- and out-patient units. During the visit, Mr. al-Duweila' met with a number of patients and citizens and listened to their views and remarks, and, in the meantime, conveyed to them the greetings of the Wise Leadership and His Excellency the Minister of Health, affirming to them the keenness of the Rulers - may Allah protect them - to provide health services for the citizens, upgrading and boosting their quality.         

At the end of the tour, the MOH Spokesperson, Dr. Khaled bin Mohamed Marghalani, said that the visit aimed at getting reassured about the ceaseless readiness of MOH's facilities along the Southern Border to support Operation Hope Restoration, and ensuring that the health services provided by the Ministry are well integrated with the health services provided by the other governmental and private health bodies. Another objective underlying this visit was to take a closer look at the workflow in MOH facilities in the southern regions, in addition to identifying the obstacles and difficulties facing those who are in charge of these facilities to help overcome them. "That is to be added to showing the keen interest of the Ministry's leadership in meeting citizens, getting their suggestions and meeting their needs regarding the health services provided in their whereabouts, with a view to developing the performance and upgrading health services provided for citizens," he added.  




Last Update : 10 August 2015 09:39 AM
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