MOH News

MOH Conducts a Questionnaire on Citizens’ Views of Working Hours of the Primary Healthcare Centers
02 March 2015
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has conducted a questionnaire, via several channels, in order to collect views of working hours of the primary healthcare centers. The questionnaire has been published electronically; in an endeavor to know views of the beneficiaries of services of the primary healthcare centers about the most suitable working hours at these centers.
Besides, the questionnaire has been conducted via phone calls as another means of collecting information, by way of selecting and calling a random sample of actual visitors and beneficiaries of services of the healthcare centers in the Kingdom, in order to know their views in this regard.
Within the same vein, the Ministry is collecting information and views of health practitioners and providers of medical services at the primary health centers, by means of calling, or sending e-mails as another channel of collecting information from a sample of those actually working at these centers; in order to get their views on the matter.
It is worth mentioning that this step comes within the framework of the MOH’s keenness to meet the health needs and demands of beneficiaries of healthcare centers’ services, as well as workers at these centers, in line with their social conditions, meanwhile achieving the public interest. It reflects, besides, the institutional work embraced by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and emanates from its staunch belief in the importance of teamwork. The Ministry, also, seeks to activate the community partnership concept, out of its belief in the importance of being acquainted with the views of its partners benefitting from the health services provided for them.

Last Update : 04 March 2015 10:16 AM
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