MOH News

MOH Conducts Simulation of Train Rollover at the Emergency Complex in Mai'asem
30 September 2014
The Ministry of Health (MOH), represented by the Forensic Medicine Centers General Department, conducted, the day before yesterday, a successful simulation of a train rollover in the Emergency Complex in Mai'asm, in the presence and supervision of the Director General of Forensic Medicine Centers, Dr. Khaled bin Muhammad Hassan Jaber, and with the participation of the forensic team members.
During the simulation, the medical teams were divided into 6 crews working in the same time within a systematic mechanism to ensure readiness of the forensic medicine in case a disaster should strike – Allah forbid. For sake of simulation, a train rollover disaster was supposed, provided that any disaster should be addressed through successive and systematic stages. In this regard, the forensic medicine team has been well trained in anticipation of any emergencies. The simulation was a success, and contributed to consolidating the roles assigned to the members of the forensic medicine team.
It's worth mentioning here that, the simulation comes in the frame work of the joint efforts and the teamwork aiming at coordinating and facilitating the joint work among the relevant parties to upgrade the services provided by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for the guests of Allah (pilgrims).

Last Update : 07 October 2015 11:09 AM
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