MOH News

The Acting Minister of Health Refutes Claims on Postponing the Study in the Kingdom
24 April 2014
His Excellency the Acting Minister of Health, Eng. Adel bin Mohamed Faqih, has refuted claims that the study will be postponed in the Kingdom, noting that no statements have been issued in this regard. Besides, Eng. Faqih has highlighted that the health and safety of the community members come at the top of the Ministry of Health's (MOH) priorities; in an endeavor to deal with the current situation.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry is currently communicating and coordinating with a wide range of health and community care experts to gather all required information; so as to identify the real situation, its seriousness and the potential risks.
"Furthermore, the MOH will provide the mass media and society members with all information as soon as possible," said the minister, adding that the ministry is currently creating an informatics website and preparing a hotline to answer the people’s queries.

Last Update : 25 April 2014 09:32 AM
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