MOH News

The High Medical Commission Approves Treatment of 35 Patients Abroad
16 March 2014
During its last meeting, The High Medical Commission has approved the decision referring 35 cases for treatment abroad, in USA, Germany, France, Britain and Switzerland.
The Director General of Medical Commission and Health Attaché at the Ministry of Health (MOH), Dr. Mesh‘al Abdullah Al-Mesh‘al, has pointed out that most cases, totaling 21, will be treated in USA, while eight cases will be treated in Germany, four cases in France and a case in each of Belgium, Britain and Switzerland.
 “The High Medical Commission has also approved the decision extending the treatment of 40 cases in USA, five cases in Germany and a case in each of Britain and France; that is to be added to other cases, whose medical reports are being examined,” announced Dr. Al-Mesh‘al, expounding that the medical reports of 42 cases have been sent to China and the reports of 11 cases sent to USA, as well as the reports of two cases sent to Germany; for determining the possibility of their treatment there.
Dr. Al-Mesh‘al went on adding that the Commission has approved the decision referring 57 cases for treatment inside the Kingdom, where their treatment is available. He indicated that the Commission disapproved the treatment of 19 cases abroad as their health conditions don’t require so and their treatment is available inside the Kingdom, May Allah be praised. Therefore, they have been referred to the Saudi specialized hospitals, according to their cases. Moreover, the Commission has approved the decision completing the treatment of 27 cases, including 19 cases abroad and 8 cases inside the Kingdom.
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Mesh‘al has lauded the interest of the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in the health of citizens, as well as its keenness on their safety and providing the health care for them. Moreover, Dr. Al-Mesh‘al underscored that the approval procedures of the patient to travel abroad are to be finished within a brief period of not more than ten days, once all medical reports, x-rays, and other attachments of reports, passports and documents are completed.
It is worth mentioning that those cases, in need of treatment abroad, are examined by the High Medical Commission, which acts as an independent and accredited authority, pursuant to the Royal Decree No. (8766/B), dated 28th October, 1998 (corresponding to 15th Jumada Al-Akher, 1417 H), and the Royal Decree No. (4700/B), dated 3rd May, 2009 (corresponding to 8th Jumada Al-Oula, 1430 H). 
These decrees stipulate that the High Medical Commission is entrusted to examine all cases referred to the Ministry of Health (MOH) for treatment abroad. The Commission is composed of the health sectors in the Kingdom, including: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, the Ministry of Interior, the National Guard, King Saud University and King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center. Thus, this Commission is fully aware of all the available capabilities of the specialized referential hospitals in the Kingdom.
Furthermore, the role of the Ministry of Health is limited to following up the cases that have been approved by the aforementioned commission, according to their place of residence. The MOH is further to facilitate the required procedures of visas for patients and their companions, and arrange their travel either by commercial or medical evacuation aircrafts, according to their health conditions.

Last Update : 17 March 2014 01:15 PM
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