MOH News

Al-Musaitier: MOH Fines Some Private Health Institutions and the Staff Thereof
18 February 2014
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has approved a number of administrative and financial punitive actions against some private health institutions and their health staff, including the owner of a drug warehouse, the owner of a pharmacy, a laboratory technician, a laboratory female technician, and a pharmacist, in addition to two pharmacies in some regions of the Kingdom.
This was declared by the Supervisor-General of Legal Affairs, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Musaitier, pointing out that the Ministry has approved the decision of the Private Health Institutions’ Violations Consideration Committee at Jeddah Health Affairs Directorate; fining the owner of a drug warehouse SR 20.000; due to the absence of a director to the warehouse, in violation to the Pharmaceutical Installations and Products Law.
Furthermore, the MOH has approved the decision of the above-mentioned committee in Jazan; fining a private pharmacy SR 10.000; due to buying pharmaceutical products that are unregistered and unpriced by the competent authorities, thus violating the Pharmaceutical Installations and Products Law. Besides, the MOH has approved the decision of the aforementioned committee in Al-Ahsa, fining the owner of a private pharmacy SR 10.000; due to working with a finished license for two years, in violation to the Pharmaceutical Installations and Products Law.
Within the same vein, the Ministry has approved  the decision of Health Profession Practice’s Violations Consideration Committee at Jeddah Health Affairs General Directorate, fining a pharmacist working in a private pharmacy SR 10.000; due to buying six pharmaceutical products that are unregistered by the Ministry of Health and the pharmacy’s poor hygiene, as well asthe lack of indicator to the refrigerator temperature, in violation to the Health Profession Practice Law.
Over and above, the MOH has approved the decision of the aforementioned committee in the Eastern Region, fining a laboratory female technician working at a private hospital SR 5.000; for working without statutory license, in addition to fining a laboratory technician working at the same hospital SR 3.000; for working with an expired license.
The MOH has emphasized that it would take all the statutory procedures, including the cautionary closure, towards any health institution that does not comply with the required quality standards of health services; in an endeavor to oblige such institutions to improve their conditions and redress all irregularities observed there, pursuant to the statutory procedures.

Last Update : 20 February 2014 08:57 AM
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