MOH News

MOH Conducts a Study on the Patterns and Causes of Injuries and Accidents Increasing in the Kingdom
02 February 2014
The Ministry of Health (MOH), in collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health, has conducted during the past few months a study on the patterns and causes of injuries and accidents in the Kingdom, deemed to be very high, compared to other world’s countries.
"Within the framework of activating the MOH vision towards the leadership in the health research domain,” said Dr. Mazen Mahmoud Hassanein, the Director General of Research and Studies, “the Ministry, through its Research and Studies General Department, and with the partnership of globally eminent consulting firms in the field of studies and health quality, is working to complete 26 scientific studies, which apply all standards of scientific credibility and consistency."
He further added, "Among the most prominent of these studies is a study with global Booz Center on the extent of beneficiaries' satisfaction with services at the MOH facilities, and another study with the British medical journal BMJ, to identify the quality of health care for cerebrovascular accident, as well as other researches related to family management and diabetes' health care, being conducted in collaboration with the American University in Beirut. That is to be added to the researches with Gallup International Institute on the international employees' satisfaction. Besides, a training program has recently been approved for the year 1435H, aiming to raise the health awareness, build the research capabilities, and promote the culture of the scientific researchethics among the MOH's employees."
Within the same vein, Dr. Hassanein highlighted that "MOH has attracted a constellation of eminent researchers in the fields of research and health services. Meanwhile, it is currently completing the appointment of the talents specialized in the research domain. Moreover, a workshop has been held with the aim of establishing and promoting the health awareness, and unifying the work mechanism of the research ethics committees at the level of the Ministry of Health, in addition to analyzing the data of mortality, and the maternal mortality in particular, from the MOH database, then, to submit a report to the World Health Organization (WHO). Over and above, an internal cooperation is being activated with the Training and Scholarship General Department, through conducting the Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure (PHEEM)."
Finally, Dr. Hassanein underlined that MOH is about to approve the first batch of research scholarships; in an endeavor to promote the health care for the elderly patients and those patients of breast cancer, cervical cancer and premature suffocation.

Last Update : 04 February 2014 10:38 AM
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