MOH News

MOH Provides Health Tips on Diabetes
20 November 2013
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has continued its efforts aiming to raising the public awareness of diabetes, and urging people towards following a proper diet to diminish the risk of diabetes and its complications, especially the age groups prone to the disease.
Within the context of the exhibition organized on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, the Ministry made clear that diabetes is one of the most common diseases among adults. According to the Ministry, many recent studies have confirmed the rise of diabetes incidence among the youth and children, due to the unhealthy lifestyles, the rise of overweight and obesity, caused by eating foods with saturated fats, not to mention the lack of physical activity.
The Ministry went on to expound that diabetes is a rise of the blood sugar, to become above average, owing to some deficiency in the pancreas. Thus insulin, which is crucial for transforming the blood sugar to energy, is not properly secreted, due to the resistance of the body to the insulin hormone.
The consultant of diabetes and endocrinology, Dr. Safeya al-Sherbini, reiterated the importance of examination and monitoring of the test results of those who have had their blood sugar measured, given the fact that there are always persons who are prone to the disease. Dr. al-Sherbini made this statement within the framework of her participation in the Medical Tips Pavilion, as part of the health awareness activities organized by the Median and Health Awareness Information Center, corresponding to the World Diabetes Day, celebrated this year under the theme: “Diabetes: Protect our Future!” The exhibition included, in addition, a pavilion for measuring biomarkers (weight, blood sugar, blood pressure), and a pavilion for medical consultations.
Besides, two dietary specialists from King Fahad Medical City (Al-Jawharah al-Naseeb and Dalal al-Shemari) provided a number of tips through brochures distributed to the exhibition visitors, including a diet for diabetics, aiming at keeping blood sugar within the normal rates, thus protecting him from the high and low blood sugar, and reducing the risk of diabetes complications.
This diet, they added, determines the appropriate calories for the patient, provides a list of the proper alternatives, and reaffirms the importance of adhering to a certain schedule for meals, and making sure not to neglect any of them, since this increases hunger, and makes it difficult of the intake of food. Also, diabetics should not exceed eat the prescribed quantities food, and view the list of alternatives, in case they would like to have various dishes, not to mention avoiding the banned foods.
Over and above, the two specialists advised not to add sugar to food, nor to put it on the dining table, as well as being moderate in the use of artificial sweeteners, and not to eat too much, even the foods prescribed for diet, in addition to moderation in the use of flavors and spices. Pickles should also be avoided, as well as fries and foods including oil or butter. Grilled and boiled foods are recommended. Also, skin of chicken and fat of meat should be removed before cooking, and avoiding fatty foods, and eating low-fat foods instead.
They recommended eating the salad at first, and then the cooked vegetables, then meat, and finally carbohydrates. That is to be added to eating fresh vegetables and fruits between meals, and drinking and sugar-free liquids, at a rate of one and a half liters a day.
The exhibition provided also dietary tips and guidelines for hypertension patients. They have to adopt a low-salt, low-fat diet, aiming at lowering blood pressure to the normal rate. They will have also to take the prescribed medications regularly, and see their doctors every now and then, as well as frequently measuring their blood pressure and avoiding exhaustion and stress. That is to be added to following a strict schedule for food and sleep. Besides, they have to avoid smoking, maintain the optimal body weight, avoid obesity, exercise regularly, and eat much fruit, vegetables and brown bread, for they contain the vitamins, minerals and fiber that will help lower blood pressure. And instead of fats, olive oil, herbs and lemons should be taken in cooking.
In addition to that, the guidelines urge hypertension patients to avoid fast and processed foods, replacing them with natural and fresh foods, and eating as low intake of fats as possible, especially saturated and high-cholesterol foods (such as eggs), aside from animal fat, full-fat milk, cheese and butter. Patients should also read the labels on cans before buying them, to verify of the proportion of sodium and fats. That is to be added to reducing salt in foods, and avoiding salty foods.

Last Update : 24 November 2013 10:12 AM
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