MOH News

An Electronic Procession System Launched in the Pharmaceutical Care Department at Mina Al-Share' Al-Jadeed Hospital
12 October 2013
The Pharmaceutical Care Department at Mina Al-Share' Al-Jadeed Hospital has launched yesterday the electronic version of the internal network of the Electronic Procession (EDP) system at the hospital in the presence of the Director, Dr. Khalid al-Shahrani, and the assistant medical staff.
The new system aims at providing services and information on everything related to pharmaceutical care for both pharmacists and technicians.
The Director of the pharmacy services, the pharmacist Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, pointed out that the internal electronic network comprises various pharmaceutical services, and it also provides the database with reports to save time and efforts.
Moreover, the pharmacist Al-Ghamdi highlighted that the launch of this system comes as part of Mina Al-Share' Al-Jadeed Hospital's strategic trend which focuses on fast access to the service databases in such a manner that helps know the sold drugs, in addition to the drugs still existing within the pharmacy for each kind of medicines.
The new system helps also know the number of prescriptions filled per day, and enables physicians to know the existing drugs electronically.
Finally, Al-Ghamdi pointed out that the system works with high efficiency; as it helps the specialized person disclose the required data by pressing a button so that he can inquire about any medicine in the pharmacy.

Last Update : 16 October 2013 12:49 PM
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