MOH News

Dr. Al-Radiny: “Drinking Much Fluid Protects against Dehydration, Seen as the Most Serious Complication”
22 June 2013
The Media Information and Health Awareness Center, pertinent to the Ministry of Health (MOH), has hosted Dr. Faten Al-Radiny, a consultant physician of family and community medicine, and accredited trainer of the MOH's graduate programs, to provide answers to callers' inquiries via the Center's toll-free number: 8002494444, as part of the Summer Health Awareness Program: “Sayyouf”.
Dr. Dr. Al-Radiny has provided apt answers to the callers' inquiries, most of which had to do with obesity and how to overcome it. She was quoted as saying: “Change of the lifestyle is among the most effective medically endorsed curative methods for treatment and prevention of obesity. To that end, a host of important, integrative steps are to be taken, the first of which is following a proper diet prescribing reduction of the intake of carbohydrates (starches and sugars), and taking good intake of proteins (basically from meat), as well as vegetables and fruits, given the pivotal importance of fiber for maintaining body balance. Besides, fries and fast foods have to be avoided, for they contain high-calorie nutrients, which further obesity. Any diet that eliminates any of the food groups altogether should be avoided, given the harms to people's health such diets cause.”
It didn't escape Dr. Dr. Al-Radiny's notice to underscore exercise, emphasizing that “it is highly important to exercise for 30 minutes, five times a week, either by walking or swimming, to mention just two instances. It is an effective, medically proven method for weight loss, and in the meantime maintaining body balance.”
In addition, Dr. Faten shed light on the importance of “maintaining all meals, especially breakfast, even though in proper quantities, and not to omit any meal, as it might lead to disorder of metabolism, which in turn causes overweight. Eating is discouraged in cases of boredom, exhaustion, or as a means of entertainment; all such cases entail overweight. The foods which basically lead to overweigh are those rich in carbohydrates (starches and sugars), as well as fast foods and soft (carbonated) drinks, for they contain high proportions of calories.”
As for the question whether juices and herbs are of any use for weight loss, especially buttocks, Dr. Faten said, “Proceeding from medically certified studies, no certain drinks could be useful for weight loss. However, juices, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, contain fiber, which are highly important for maintaining optimal weight. That's to be added to changing the lifestyle, by following a healthy diet, exercise, etc.”
Answering another question on whether hyperalonemia is a chronic or curable disease, Dr. Al-Radiny made clear that hyperalonemia is triggered by various causes. Patients will have to see a doctor to undergo the necessary tests. For example, the increased uric acid requires the patient to drink much water and reduce the intake of red meat. “Something we should not forget,” added Dr. Faten, “is that overweight could be a symptom of the impairment of the thyroid; which means: treatment of the thyroid will help retaining the healthy weight.”
Moving on to how to eliminate the flabbiness caused by significant weight loss in a short period, Dr. al-Rudeini reemphasized the “importance of exercise, which is crucial for weight loss, meanwhile maintaining the tightness of muscles, necessary for eliminating flabbiness. The person may need to see a specialized physician to undergo a cosmetic operation, if need be.”
Among the most important tips provided by Dr. Faten, to be followed prior to and during travelling, are: “taking the necessary immunization before travelling, putting on a bracelet or carrying around a card that provides information about the disease, the used drugs, and the drugs causing allergy (if any), as well as avoiding non-cooked food, to evade food poisoning. And whenever the passenger is affected with intestinal catarrh during travelling, he will have to drink much fluid to protect himself against dehydration, seen as the most serious complication.”

Last Update : 07 July 2013 05:23 PM
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