MOH News

MOH Visiting Hajj Manpower Committee Announces Registration for Temporary Contracts
05 June 2013
The MOH Visiting Hajj Manpower Committee announced the commencement of registration for those interested to temporarily contract with the Ministry of Health to work in the Hajj season of this year (1434H) in specific specialties according to the required conditions. 
The Advisor to His Excellency the Minister of Health, and the Chief of Hajj Manpower, Financial Affairs, Follow-up and Inventory Control Committee, Mr. Saud Al Rafeeah, affirmed that this measure comes as a part of the early preparations for the Hajj Season within the framework of preparation and readiness to attract Hajj visiting manpower in several medical majors from outside the Ministry.
Dr. Al Rafeeah added that the Visiting Hajj Manpower Committee has specified the required qualifications of consultants, specialists, and residents in the following specialties: (intensive care, cardiology, nephrology, cardiac catheterization, digestive system, anesthesia, and emergency). Also, the Committee has underscored its need for the required qualifications such as specialists and technicians in the following specialties: (nursing, intensive care, emergency nursing, respiratory treatment, and emergency ambulance).
Moreover, Dr. Al Rafeeah pointed out that the Committee has specified some terms that must be met by those interested in the temporary contract with MOH in the Hajj season; which are as follows: the participant must be medically fit, not over than 60 years, and he must attach a brief CV, a valid certificate from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Accreditation as well as the approval of his employer, and the ID such as the ID card for the Saudis and a valid residence license for the non-Saudis. Also, the participant must enter their contact details such as the mobile number and email, via the MOH’s portal:

Last Update : 11 June 2013 11:40 AM
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