MOH News

Dr. Al-Hemeidi: 8 New Centers for Diabetes Established
20 May 2013
His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Curative Services, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Hemeidi, said that all professional employees working in the health sectors of all classes, i.e. physicians, nurses, dietitians, and employees in all other specialties in hospitals, are all endeavoring to limit the spread of diabetes.
Dr. Al-Hemeidi delivered his speech during the inauguration of the Second Forum for Diabetes Centers Directors, which is to continue up to Monday and Thursday 10-11/7/1434H (corresponding to 20/21/5/2013), under the auspices of His Excellency the Vice Minister for Health Affairs, Dr. Mansour bin Nasser Al-Howasi; given that, the Forum will be held at Makarem Hall, at Marriott Hotel, in Riyadh.
“In order to achieve this purpose,” added Dr. Al-Hemeidi, “all employees should cooperate and deal with this disease professionally, with the aim of getting results that can limit the spread of the disease very soon, Allah willing.”
In the same vein, His Excellency Dr. Al-Hemeidi has lauded the support of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, as manifested in increasing the number of diabetes centers. In addition, Dr. Al-Hemeidi has praised the remarkable efforts exerted by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to reduce the number of cases suffering from diabetes. It is worth mentioning that the diabetes is a disease that needs a specialist physician, because it causes many complications. For that reason, the Ministry of Health has established these specialized centers.
Dr. Al-Hemeidi pointed out that the number of MOH diabetes centers currently is 20 centers, knowing that, the Ministry is establishing 8 new centers, that will improve the rendered services in all Kingdom's regions and governorates.
The inauguration ceremony began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech delivered by Dr. Mohammed bin Yahiya Al Harbi, consultant of endocrinology and children's diabetes as well as the Director of Diabetes Centers and Units Department at Hospitals General Department, in which he stated that the communication between the officials and service providers is necessary to perform the action as best as possible.
Dr. Mohammed bin Yahiya Al Harbi has underscored the keenness of the Ministry of Health through the Diabetes Centers and Units Department at Hospitals General Department, to apply this important methodology. For that reason, the First Forum for Diabetes Centers Directors affiliating to MOH was held at the end of the last year, with a particular aim of enhancing communication between the diabetes centers and the Central Department at the Ministry of Health, as manifested in Hospitals General Department. That's to be added to activating communication between service providers and the officials in the Ministry.
One of the recommendations of this forum was the necessity of holding an annual and regular forum at least once every year, provided that, this forum includes some of the scientific and educational activities for service providers who work in the diabetes centers, namely physicians and the experienced staff with diabetes.
Also, the recommendations included that this forum should discuss the treatment of diabetes during Ramadan, and it should be regarded as an exhibition for the diabetes centers, in order to create a spirit of competition among the centers and exchange experiences among each other.
 Dr. Al Harbi pointed out that this forum will include a religious lecture on juristic rules related to the diabetes patients in the month of Ramadan; given that this lecture will be given by Sheikh Saad Al Khathlan, a member of the senior scholars in the Kingdom.
“I hope, Allah willing, that,” added Dr. Mohammed Al Harbi, “this forum achieves the aspirations of participants, answers their questions, and has a positive effect in the field of caring diabetes patients.”
Within the same context, Dr. Mohammed Al Harbi has expressed his deepest thanks for His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, for his unlimited support for patients, and lauded the efforts exerted by His Excellency the Vice Minister for Health Affairs. In addition, Dr. Al Harbi thanked His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Curative Services, for inaugurating the Second Forum for Diabetes Centers Directors.
In conclusion, Dr. Mohammed Al Harbi has expressed his deep thanks for the Director General of Hospitals for paying special attention to the Diabetes Centers and Units Department and exerting a remarkable effort in this regard. Dr. Al-Harbi didn't forget to thank the guests who came from outside the Saudi Arabia and from the other health sectors in our beloved country to provide help in this event. In addition, Dr. Al-Harbi expressed thanks for the directors and employees of the diabetes centers for attending this event.
Then, the Director-General of Hospitals General Department, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ghamdi, delivered a speech, during which he emphasized that this forum is designed to support the ways of communication between service providers and the concerned department at the Ministry of Health, and improve the efficiency of service providers, namely physician and experienced staff with diabetes, so as to provide proper health care for diabetics.
After wards, His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Curative Services, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Hemeidi, inaugurated the exhibition defining the diabetes centers, then a scientific lecture entitled (Ramadan and Diabetes) was given for doctors, knowing that this lecture continued until the second day, during which a meeting for diabetes centers directors as well as a workshop for staff experienced with diabetes were conducted.
The exhibition was concluded on the third day, by conducting a workshop for preparing trainers to take care of diabetics (Total Patient Care) and training them on the mechanism of the treatment of diabetics with insulin.  This workshop was attended by 20 trainees, representing the physicians of endocrinology and diabetes at the diabetes centers.

Last Update : 22 May 2013 08:22 AM
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