MOH News

Dr. Al-Rabeeah: The Health Condition of the Conjoined Twins (Abdullah and Salman) Is Stable
27 December 2012
His Excellency the Minister of Health, and head of the surgical team specialized in separating conjoined twins, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, has visited the Saudi conjoined twins Abdullah And Salman on Thursday, 27/12/2012 (corresponding to 14/2/1434H) six days after conducting their separation surgery at King Abdulaziz Medical City-National Guard Health Affairs (KAMC-NGHA) in Riyadh.
Dr. Al-Rabeeah, accompanied by some of the surgical team members and parents of the children, have checked on their health condition and its latest updates after the separation surgery.
In a press release following his visit, His Excellency the head of the surgical team has pointed out that the twins' health condition is reassuring. Furthermore, they began to recover from the anesthesia and respond and react with their parents and the medical team, which is reckoned a great indicator of the improvement of their health condition.
He went on adding that all their vital functions work properly, as the digestive system started to work. Besides, the medical team managed to feed the children through the nasogastric tube. The only kidney for the child Abdullah works normally and is fully-functioning as well.
Speaking of the children’s connection to the artificial respirators, Dr. Al-Rabeeah emphasized that it is still taking place, but it will be decreased gradually as of next Saturday, till the twins can do without them altogether. Moreover, he noted that there are no signs of any complications or inflammations of wounds so far, Praise be to Allah.

Last Update : 30 December 2012 03:10 PM
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