MOH News

Media Information Center Hosts Dr. Safiah Al-Sherbini to Answer Diabetic Patients' Inquiries
13 November 2012
Within the framework of the events and activities organized by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, which comes around tomorrow Wednesday, Dhul-Hijjah 29th, 1433H, corresponding to November 14th, 2012, and which is held under the theme “Protect Our Future”, the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center is to host Dr. Safiah Al-Sherbini, the endocrinology and diabetes consultant, from 11 am to 3 pm; in order to receive the inquiries and questions of the audience on this critical disease and all what is related to it via the toll-free number 08002494444.
Meanwhile, the Center has prepared a constellation of pharmacists to answer the diabetic patients' questions with regard to their medicines, namely the insulin in particular. Also, a number of educated health workers were invited to benefit the diabetic patients with some awareness information, which   benefit them in their daily life. In addition to this, there is a dietician instructing them on having the ideal food for them, which help them balance their sugar in addition to taking medicine.
On the other hand, the Center has also prepared specialized team to receive the audience's questions via the MOH's account at Twitter @saudimoh to answer the questions after submitting them to Dr. Safiah Al-Sherbini, hence benefitting the inquirers according to their health problems. Further, this team prepares these answers in the form of awareness health messages to benefit all, Allah willing.
Within the same vein, the Center recommended adopting simple measures that can improve life styles and prevent, Allah willing, from diabetes or delay its symptoms such as keeping up a health weight within its natural limits, exercising as much as 30 minutes, following healthy diet containing three to five meals of fruits and vegetables daily, and reducing saturated sugar and fats. Further, the Center stressed on the importance of avoiding smoking, as smoking increases the risks of getting injured with cardiovascular diseases; especially the latest statistics on diabetes accredited in the Kingdom underlined that 28% of diabetic patients are up 30 years; whereas the proportion of those injured with diabetes reached 14,1% in the community as a whole.

Last Update : 10 December 2012 01:42 PM
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