MOH News

Media and Health Awareness Department Organizes a Health Awareness Exhibition at King Khalid International Airport
22 July 2012
   Within the framework of the MOH's summer health awareness campaign, the Relations, Media and Health Awareness General Department has organized a health awareness exhibition at King Khalid International Airport, in Riyadh.
The organization of this mobile health awareness exhibition stands out as an innovative step meant to introduce people with the risk factors of non-communicable diseases, and the ways to protect themselves against such diseases, by following healthy lifestyles. The Ministry of Health (MOH), through this campaign, places particular emphasis on international and regional airports, thus targeting passengers and providing health awareness activities for them, as well as disseminating the posters and brochures of the campaign.
The exhibition provided health tips and guidelines for passengers at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh. Besides, health awareness fliers and brochures were disseminated, in addition to posters and models on which tips, guidelines and instructions, concerning passengers' demands, were written. 
The campaign is intended to raise people's health awareness and change their attitudes towards the unhealthy habits and practices usually associated to the summer vacation. It also aims to make people more inclined to adopt healthy behaviors during this season, and familiarize them with the health problems related to vacations, as well as their complications and effects on the individual and societal health. In doing so, the campaign underscores the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles, based on healthy food and exercise, to keep healthy and lively. Therefore, the campaign encourages people to follow healthy lifestyles during summer. It basically targets travelers and summer-vacationers for three weeks.
 It is noteworthy the Ministry of Health is keen to launch a health campaign every year to deliver educational and health-awareness messages to those targeted by prevention from the diseases and health problems likely to disturb their tranquility. In addition, the Ministry provides health messages and tips to help people quit unhealthy habits, and adopt healthy behaviors, through the available mass media, aside from participation with all the society's sectors. This summer, a number of consultants were interview at the Media Information and Health Awareness center to receive callers' questions and inquiries and provide apt answers for them through the center's toll-free number: 8002494444.
The annual organizations offer health-awareness activities and comprehensive medical examination for visitors; including the measurement of vital signs, bone mass indicators (BMI), blood sugar, and osteoporosis. That's to be added to providing health tips related to food balance, exercise, and alleviating the risk factors (excessive intake of fats, sugars, etc.)

Last Update : 23 July 2012 10:48 AM
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