MOH News

Dr. AL Rabeeah Discusses Ways of Enhancing Health Cooperation with Italy
23 October 2010
The Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz AL Rabeeah, hosted the Italian Ambassador in the Kingdom, Dr. Valentino Smoniti. They discussed means of enhancing health cooperation between the two countries. Especially the aspects of therapeutic medicine, exchange of expertise, scientific meetings and visitation of doctors specialized in genetic blood and heart diseases, bone marrow transplantation, liver tumors and children's cancer, in addition to specialized teams to train workers in heart centers. They have also discussed aspects of training and improving Saudi staff in fighting diseases.
The meeting was attended by Minister of Health Executive Affairs Deputy, Dr. Mansoor ALHawasi, Health Planning and Development Deputy, Dr. Mohammad bin Hamza Khusheim , General Supervisor of the General Department of International Relations Dr. Taha Malibari and General Supervisor of Patient Relations Program, Chief of Patient Relations Higher Committee, Health Minister Consultant, Dr. Abdul Aziz AL Dkheil.

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:53 PM
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