MOH News

MOH convenes diabetic foot course
09 February 2009
The MOH Director General for Hospitals Dr. Abdul Aziz H. Al-Ghamdi opened yesterday Sunday the second training course on diabetic foot, which is held at Riyadh Palace Hotel in Riyadh Under the auspices of His Highness the Minister of Health Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Mane.
According to Dr. Al-Ghamdi, the course is attended by more than 100 doctors and nurses who are in direct contact with diabetics in general and foot diabetics in particular at MOH and other hospitals, including 70 participants from Saudi Arabia and 30 others from GCC and Arab countries.
Held under direct academic supervision of Toronto University, the course comprises theoretical as well as practical training on diabetic foot under the supervision of specialists from Toronto University, which has international reputation in the field.
Dr. Al-Ghamdi said the training course is part of a continuous process of qualification and development carried out by MOH for the purpose of providing the best services in the different fields. He said MOH has established 20 centers for diabetes in the different parts of the Kingdom for providing improved services to diabetics in their places of origin. 
He said the first diabetic foot course was convened eight months ago. It included lectures, practical training on patients, and certain assignments to be carried out by participants in accordance with certain forms. In this second course the work of each participants shall be evaluated by the supervisors and more assignments shall be provided.
The coursed will be concluded by the "Hospital Day", where a number of diabetic foot cases shall be reviewed and evaluated by the participants.  

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:52 PM
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