MOH News

Al-Rabeeah forms consultative council
11 October 2009
The Minister of Health Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Rabeeah has issued a decree for formation of the MOH International Consultative Council. The move comes in line with the overall steps taken by MOH for promoting health care provision and translating the anticipations of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques into high quality health care services, said the official spokesman of the Ministry of Health Dr. Khalid Al-Marghalani.
The council which is to be chaired by the Minister of Health includes in its membership the MOH Deputy Minister for Executive Affairs Dr. Mansour bin Nasser Al-Hawasi, the MOH Deputy Minister for Planning and Development Dr. Mohammed bin Hamzah Khushaim, the MOH Assistant Deputy Minister for Preventive Medicine Dr. Zayad Meemish, and a number of experts from UK, US, and Canada.
According to Al-Marghalani, the council is assigned with reviewing the MOH strategic plans for health care provision, providing consultations on adopted plans, reviewing the developments at the international level in health care provision and advanced health management, providing recommendations on work policies and methods within MOH and its affiliate health facilities, participating in establishing new joint works with leading health organizations at the international level, providing recommendations on latest developments in the fields of medicine and biotechnology, preparing the plans required for developing the infrastructure for dealing with emergencies and natural disasters, and providing support and advise on preventing infectious diseases.
He said the Minister of Health has also issued a directive for formation of another council under the name of the National Consultative Council with the assignment of supporting health care provision. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:52 PM
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