MOH News

Fried food doesn’t cause alimentary cancers, says MOH consul
20 September 2008
The epidemiology of hepatitis C in the Kingdom varies from one region to the other, the highest rates being in Jazan, where high rates of sickle cell anemia have been recorded, said the internist at King Saud Complex (Shimaisi) Dr. Nasser Al-Dorsari. Jazan is followed by the Northern Province according to Dr. Al-Dosari.
"In the past, diseases were transferable through imported blood, but since prevention of imported blood, the spreading of hepatitis C in the Kingdom has lowered to 3-5 percent", he said. He advised hepatitis C patients not to fast in Ramadan if they have reached a progressive case of the disease. "Some foods such as proteins and red meats are harmful to hepatitis C patients since they trigger the appearance of ammonia in the blood", he said.
Talking during an "Alo Ramadan" service, which is organized by the MOH Health Information Center in cooperation with Lourback, he stressed the importance of maintaining a healthy status of the digestive tract, especially during Ramadan. "Eating a heavy meal in the Iftar causes a sense of relaxation and a desire to sleep due to the high concentration of blood in the digestive tract and low blood pressure reaching the brain and the muscles", he said. He said hepatitis C patients suffering from inflammations of the lower or higher parts of the digestive tract must drink more fluids and avoid irritants such animal fats, citrus fruits, spicy foods, and soft drinks.
He said most patients affected by gastric or duodenal ulcers suffer more in Ramadan due to eating foods containing animal fats that irritate the stomach to release large amounts of acids.
He blamed smoking of causing many of the problems affecting the alimentary tract, especially gastric pains and ulcers. "Smoking dilates the lower muscle of the esophagus", he said.
He said there is no relation between fried foods, which are consumed excessively during Ramadan, and alimentary tract cancers, confirming that studies haven’t provided proofs for such relation.  

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:52 PM
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