MOH News

Crown Prince Appreciates MOH Efforts During Hajj
29 January 2007
The Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and Aviation, and the General Inspector, His Royal Highness Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, extended his gratitude to the Minister of Health Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Mane and the MOH staff on the occasion of declaration of the year 1427H Hajj as being devoid of epidemic and quarantine diseases.
He confirmed the adherence of the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques to all that may add to the quality of services provided to the respected pilgrims. He appreciated the great efforts of the MOH Hajj staff, which has lead to the success of the Hajj season this year. 
On his part Dr. Al-Manae expressed his high gratitude to the Crown Prince, appreciating the great support offered to the Hajj services from the leadership.
The Ministry of Health has set 21 hospitals for work in the Sacred Capital, the Sacred Shrines, and Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, with a total capacity of 3970 beds applicable for increase by 721 beds. The hospitals services were supported by 145 health centers, the number of patients served being more than 700.000 pilgrims. Medicines and medical equipment were secured with a total cost of SR67 million.

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:48 PM
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