Health Days 2021

World Food Day

The World Food Day is observed on the 16th of October every year. It aims to reinforce global awareness and encourage people across the world to take measures to fight starvation, and work to help those suffering from it. It sheds light on the importance of providing everyone with equal access to healthy diets. The food we choose, how it gets produced, prepared, cooked and stored all shape our health and physical activity. The way we choose and consume food has an impact on our health, and the health of our entire communities.  

  • Raise awareness about the importance of thoughtfully choosing the type of foods we consume, and how we prepare and store them.  
  • Raise awareness about the importance of not wasting food and consuming only the amounts we need.  
  • Raise global awareness about how crucial it is to help those suffering from hunger and starvation, and helping have access to healthy meals.
Official date: 
  • Globally: 16 October 2021
  • Locally: 10 Rabee Al-Awwal 1443H
Our Actions Are Our Future 
Better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life.  

Geneva Environment Network (GEN) ​
United Nations


Last Update : 28 February 2022 12:29 PM
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