Health Days 2021

World Hand Hygiene Day


The World Hand Hygiene Day was launched in 2009 and is celebrated annually on 5 May. It aims to maintain global promotion of hand hygiene. Appropriate hand hygiene prevents and fights infections. It is also essential for enhancing the quality and safety of health care services.  The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that proper hand hygiene practices prevent the spread of diseases.

What is the correct way to wash hands?

  • ​Health care workers: Now more than ever: clean your hands at the point of care, especially before injecting someone with a vaccine. 
  • Facility managers:  Ensure hand hygiene supplies are available at every point of care. 
  • Policy makers: Invest now to ensure hand hygiene for all. 
  • Patients and families: Help us to help you. Please clean your hands. 
  • Everyone: Make clean hands your habit. It protects all of us.  
Official date:
  • Globally: 5 May 2021
  • Locally: 23 Ramadan 1442H

 Seconds save lives – clean your hands!



Last Update : 27 February 2022 11:54 AM
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