Non-Communicable Diseases

Wheat Allergy


It is an autoimmune disease that necessitates not consuming foods containing gluten. These foods may lead to damage in the small intestine. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and barley. 
The cause of the disease is still unknown; however, a doctor has found a link between the consumption of bread and grains and diarrhea. 
Symptoms include diarrhea, bad breath, flatulence and bloating, fatigue, headache and peripheral neuropathy, depression, and anxiety.
Patients should be tested before being advised to follow a gluten-free diet. An antibodies test should also be performed on them, especially for gluten-carrying antibodies.
As for lab tests:
  1. Electrolyte test.
  2. Blood test
  3. Stool test.
  4. Tolerance test by mouth. 
Risk factors:
  1. Family history where a family member had gastrointestinal disorders or dermatitis.
  2. Type 1 diabetes. 
  3. Down syndrome or Turner syndrome. 
  4. Autoimmune thyroid diseases.
  5. Microscopic colitis.
  6. Addison's disease.
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis. 
  1. Malnutrition
  2. Calcium and bone density loss
  3. Infertility and miscarriages
  4. Lactose intolerance
  5. Cancer
  6. Diseases of the nervous system  
  1. Healthy gluten-free diet
  2. Corticosteroids
  1. Gelatin-free food
  2. Eating fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation
  3. Seeing a nutritionist who can advise you on the right food for you. 
  • Nationally:
  • Prevalence of Wheat allergy among children is 1%.
Wheat allergy is widely spread across the world. For example, its prevalence among the Chinese and Africans in sub-Saharan Africa, reached 5-10%, while in Western Europe it reached about 5-20%, and 5-10% in Britain, Tunisia and Iran. It is also prevalent by 5% among Eastern Europeans, Americans and Asians. Unfortunately, its spread in the world is still on the rise.

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Last Update : 05 January 2021 04:04 PM
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