Hajj News

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    Preventive Medicine Tops MOH's Strategies during Hajj
    28 July 2019
    Preventive Medicine Tops MOH's Strategies during Hajj
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) has further intensified its preparations and readiness of its health facilities to provide healthcare services to pilgrims during Hajj season of 1440H; from the time they enter the Kingdom via land, sea and air ports ...
    Al-Rabiah Inspects Makkah and Holy Sites Hospitals
    25 July 2019
    Al-Rabiah Inspects Makkah and Holy Sites Hospitals
    H.E. the Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah has today inspected Makkah and holy sits hospitals, starting with King Abdullah Medical City, where he was briefed on the ongoing preparations for serving the guests of Allah ...
    MOH: No Epidemic or Pandemic Cases Detected Among Pilgrims
    25 July 2019
    MOH: No Epidemic or Pandemic Cases Detected Among Pilgrims
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed that, by Allah’s Grace, the health situation of pilgrims is reassuring, and no epidemic or pandemic cases have been detected among them so far ...
    MOH Enhances Readiness of Its Facilities for Hajj Season
    25 July 2019
    MOH Enhances Readiness of Its Facilities for Hajj Season
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) has continued its preparation and readiness of its facilities for serving the guests of Allah during this year's Hajj season. MOH has prepared a number of hospitals and healthcare centers in Makkah, holy sites and Madinah ...
    Aramco Briefs on MOH’s Nutrition Project «MarKazi»
    21 July 2019
    Aramco Briefs on MOH’s Nutrition Project «MarKazi»
    The Food Quality and Safety Team of Saudi Aramco has been briefed on the Pre-processing Nutrition Project «MarKazi» ...
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