Hajj News

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    MOH and GDCD Hold Integrated Workshop
    02 January 2020
    MOH and GDCD Hold Integrated Workshop
    The Ministry of Health (MOH), in integration with the General Directorate of Civil Defense (GDCD), held a workshop yesterday (Wednesday) ...
    Jazan: Over 400 Beneficiaries of Extended Care Services
    01 January 2020
    Jazan: Over 400 Beneficiaries of Extended Care Services
    According to Jazan Health Affairs, over the past year 2019, more than 400 persons with disability have benefited from the medical rehabilitation and extended care services ...
    Najran: 156+ Thousand Patients Served by Maternity and Children Hospital
    31 December 2019
    Najran: 156+ Thousand Patients Served by Maternity and Children Hospital
    According to Najran Health Affairs, over this year 2019, the Maternity and Children Hospital has served 156,071 patients, including 95,559 at emergency department and 60,512 at outpatient clinics, as well as 7,353 births ...
    Health Minister Honors Former Director of SCOT
    31 December 2019
    Health Minister Honors Former Director of SCOT
    His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq Bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah, honored yesterday at his ministerial office Dr. Faisal Shaheen, the former Director-General of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation ...
    MOH Launches Elderly Nursing Care Initiative
    30 December 2019
    MOH Launches Elderly Nursing Care Initiative
    Within the framework of achieving its strategic goals and facilitating access to health services, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is implementing an initiative for elderly nursing care ...
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